The Rules


An Extreme Triathlon

Grade: Final bike climb is 10.82 miles with it’s steepest grade being 17% with an overall grade of 7%.

Elevation: The entire race takes place 6,100 feet above sea level & athletes will peak at 10,700 feet

Water Temp: 62 degrees Fahrenheit average

Air Temps: Daily average 90 degrees Fahrenheit and evening average 43 degrees Fahrenheit.

Start: Jordanelle Reservoir

Finish: Solitude Resort

Age Requirement: You must be 18 years of age before race day to participate in this event.

Self Supported

All athletes must have their own support crew. Both athlete and a support crew member must be registered with Starvation and have signed all liability forms. The designated support member can help their athlete out of the water and through T1, supply hydration, nutrition, and mechanical assistance (if needed) on the bike. The event will provide assistance at T2 and at miles 7 and 20 on the run course. There are also very strict support crew rules that must be followed. Those not following these rules at all times risk disqualification for their athlete.

Mandatory Gear Requirements

For the swim, gloves and booties are not permitted. Wetsuits are strongly recommended but not mandatory. For the bike, front-facing solid white headlight and rear-facing red blinking light (both mounted to bike), bright colors are highly recommended or reflective vest, flat changing kit, fully charged cell phone. For the run, each athlete and/or support person will need to have a water bladder or bottle system, headlamp, cell phone, small rechargeable battery pack, emergency blanket, soft shell jacket and enough nutrition to get through the first 20 miles, then fill up with enough to make it to the finish. Trail shoes are recommended as the majority of the run will be on trails. Hiking poles may be used, but are not required. If you choose to use them, please practice hiking with them prior to race day.


Weather in Utah can change extremely quickly. Event management reserves the right to change, alter, and/or cancel any of the three disciplines at any time. This also includes cancelling the entire event if it is in the safety interests of the athletes, volunteers, and staff to do so. Our #1 concern is safety.​

August 2, 2025 - Only 250 race slots available

Event Rules

Packet Pickup

Friday 12 - 8 pm

All athletes and their support person must show a valid government issued photo ID to verify their identity. Photos and/or photocopies of IDs will not be accepted.

Both the athlete and their support person must physically sign the Liability waiver.

All athletes must pick up their own packet. No one but the athlete may pick up their packet.

Race Check in at T1

Saturday 3:30 – 4:45 am @ Jordanelle Personal Watercraft Ramp

All athletes and their support person must check in with mandatory bike equipment ready for inspection. The bike equipment includes front and rear lights, tire changing kit, cell phone and brighter jersey top or reflective vest.

Race Check in at T2

The run equipment pack MUST have a water bladder or bottle system, headlamp, cell phone, small rechargeable battery pack, emergency blanket and a soft shell jacket.

Medical / Anti-doping

Medical crew and race marshals appointed by the organizers may at any time during the race remove an athlete from the race, in case of health issues or risk of injury to the athlete. The use of prohibited methods and substances included in the WADA List of Prohibited Substances and Methods is forbidden.

Obey Traffic / Bike Laws

The bike course is completely open to all vehicular traffic. All athletes are expected to obey all cycling and traffic laws at all times. This means stopping at stop signs and stoplights and yielding to those with the right of way whenever necessary. Penalty: Disqualification.​

Bike Lights

The bike course is completely open to all vehicular traffic. All athletes are expected to obey all cycling and traffic laws at all times. This means stopping at stop signs and stoplights and yielding to those with the right of way whenever necessary. Penalty: Disqualification.​

Cell Phones & Communication

Athletes must have a cell phone on them during the bike and run at all times to communicate with their support crew and/or the event management in an emergency situation. We recommend a small external battery and USB cable to charge it on the fly. This can be carried by your support crew until needed. Penalty: Disqualification.​

Mandatory Gear / Equipment

Athletes and support are required to carry certain items throughout the event. These are listed in each discipline as well as throughout the guide.


No outside pacing on the swim or bike. Penalty: Disqualification.​

Bike / wheel changing

No athlete is allowed to change their bike or wheels unless they are badly damaged and unusable. Penalty: Disqualification.​


Headphones, headsets, ipods, mp3 players, or personal audio devices, etc. are NOT allowed on the BIKE course. They may be used on the RUN, but if you must carry music, we ask you only to use one headphone on the run course. *USE OF HEADPHONES ON THE BIKE WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION.

Important Info

Bike Pickup

Bike cleaning up must be done by the athlete’s support crew immediately after the athlete has finished the bike course. Please be aware that the only person with a support wristband is allowed in the transition area.

Lost & Found

We will gather gear found throughout the race and place it in an area just outside T2. Any gear not collected by midnight will be donated to a local charity.

Cancelation Policy

The following rules will be strictly enforced, to protect the event from loss and ensure future success and stability.

Your registration is yours and only yours. You may not transfer or defer it to another person or another year. Anyone starting/racing under someone else’s race number will be disqualified and banned from the event indefinitely.

There are no transfers, or deferrals of any kind, for any reason through the event itself unless otherwise stated by the event. If you did purchase insurance during your registration, refer back to your registration email in the event of a cancellation.

Kindness & Respect

Event staff and volunteers: Please remember that at all times before, during, and after, the event crew and volunteers are there for you. The reward they get is you reaching your goal and crossing that finish line. Some are paid for their efforts, some are not. Regardless, they work very hard and spend a lot of their time making sure you have the opportunity to enjoy Utah’s beauty while racing a triathlon.

Local Residents & Businesses: The local residents and businesses are the future of the event. Each year we have to obtain the permits and permissions necessary to have this event. We want the local residents and businesses to be amazed by your achievement, the quality and organization of the event, the friendliness of the athletes and support crews, and the overall joy and business the event brings to their town(s). If they’re happy, then the event will live on from year-to-year.

Photographers: Our photographers and videographers will be on the course(s) the entire day. Some athletes may see them more than others. When you do see them try to smile. If you’re suffering and can’t smile, that’s ok, keep working hard. We promise the photos and videos will be amazing even if they catch you at a moment of suffering, it will be a memento you will cherish forever. Trust us to make you look good. Trust us to create something amazing.

Sponsors: Sponsors of an event like this care more about the participants than they do the numbers and return on their investment. They are part of this because they love the sport of triathlon and they love the spirit of the athletes out there. Please respect that and be grateful they are supporting the event; show your appreciation by supporting their businesses when possible. Without them it would be infinitely harder to produce.

Mother Nature: We aim to leave the areas we use for this even cleaner than we found them. That means absolutely no litter under any circumstances. Failure to abide by this rule is an automatic disqualification and possible ban. The future of this event depends on how we treat the wilderness, the locals, and each other.

Challenge Yourself

If you think you're tough enough...

August 2, 2025 - Only 250 race slots available

A one of a kind triathlon endurance race in one or the most challenging backdrops in America, the Utah Mountains.

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