The Support Crew


An Extreme Triathlon

All support crew members MUST:

  • Check-in just like the athlete at packet pick up. You are required to show photo ID and sign waivers.

  • Wear the Starvation support wristband (given at packet pickup) to enter transitions.

  • If a support crew’s athlete withdraws from the event at any point before or during the event it is the responsibility of a crew member to inform the event crew immediately. Please call either the race manager, James Lawrence, at 801-735-7059 or the race director, Casey Robles, at 801-318-6337. The event crew phones are manned from the pre-event meeting onwards. If there is no answer leave a message and also text the Athlete’s name and event number along with event withdrawal notification.

  • Only one support vehicle is permitted per athlete. Please be absolutely sure, that if you have more than one person on your support crew, you designate a captain of your crew, and that your crew can fit in one vehicle along with the supplies you will need for the event. Those crews that are found to have more than one vehicle stopping to aid the athlete will be automatically disqualified. Any non support vehicles just stopping to “observe” and not to “aid” their athlete, are also subject to athlete time penalty or disqualification at the discretion of the event management.

Support Rules


  • Only the registered support crew member is allowed into T1 with their provided wristband. This crew member will be ready to aide their athlete as they exit the water and head toward T1. Once inside T1, it is the crew member’s job to help their athlete get ready for the bike. Once the athlete has left T1 for the bike, it becomes the crew member’s job to clean up all of their athlete’s equipment. This includes all clothing and gear. Any left behind articles will be taken to the lost and found area just outside T2. These left behind articles will be there until midnight and at that point be donated to a local charity.


These rules MUST be followed by each support crew:

  • The Starvation support wristband must be worn by the support crew member that wants to go in and out of transition areas.

  • All support vehicles MUST have their support stickers (given at packet pickup) on the front windshield and on the back window. Please be sure this does not impede the driver’s vision in any way.

  • Only attempt to enter and park in safe turn off areas. Please only enter and park in turn off areas if they are not full or backed up.

  • The car must always be parked off the road, with all four wheels outside the solid white line.

  • NEVER park on the left side of the road in an attempt to aid or communicate with your athlete.

  • NEVER cross the traffic of the road regardless of whether it’s clear to do so or not.

  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Utah is beautiful but sightseeing during the event is irresponsible. Keep your attention on the road and give cyclists as much room as possible at all times while minding the oncoming traffic.

  • All support and communication must be provided from outside of the car, and never through a car window, even if the car is parked. You are not allowed to support from a moving vehicle.

  • Athletes may not sit in the car at any time during the race , even if the car is parked. This pertains to the entire race not just the bike course.

  • Whether riding in your vehicle or out of it on foot, be aware of the riders and cars on the course. It is very easy to turn right into a parking lot without looking behind you and hit a cyclist or walk onto the shoulder and have a cyclist hit you. Please pay extra attention!

  • Athletes and support should use actual restrooms when available. Support vehicles should carry toilet paper and athletes should be prepared to go into the woods to relieve themselves if need be. Please be mindful and do not litter.

  • Obey all vehicular traffic laws at all times. This includes but is not limited to, speed limits. Support crew vehicles will be required to stop for lights, signs, and pedestrians as will the athletes. Additionally, State Troopers have made it a point to inform us that in an effort to ensure vehicular traffic does not backup due to our event, they will be issuing tickets to any vehicles not obeying the speed limit on either side (too slow or too fast).

  • Be sure your rider is completely prepared. You never know when a support vehicle may have car trouble, be stuck in traffic, or just not make it to the next stop on time. Athletes and support should always be prepared for worst case scenarios while hoping for the best. Carry more hydration/nutrition than you think you will need to the next stop. You should know how to fix your own tire, tube, derailleurs, brakes, chain and seat post. As support, it’s your job to make sure your athlete is self sufficient and this includes carrying limited bike tools and spare kit(s) to fix things themselves if you are not around.

  • Athletes are absolutely NOT allowed to change their bikes or tires unless they are damaged to the point it is not safe or impossible to ride on them.

  • Cars will not be allowed to drive up Pine Canyon Dr. This section of the race course is between miles 86 to 92. We will have you take a 24 mile detour. It’s estimated to take 40 minutes to drive it. Below is a map of the detour and directions.

  1. Turn car around and head back to US 189.

  2. Turn left onto US 189.

  3. Take exit 4 toward Park City/Kamas.

  4. Turn left onto Kerns Blvd. (UT 248).

  5. Turn left onto Bonanza Dr.

  6. Turn left onto Deer Valley Dr.

  7. At the traffic circle take the Marsac Ave. exit (UT 224 S).

  8. Continue onto Guardsman Pass Rd..


These rules MUST be followed by each support crew:

  • Once the runner starts the course it is required that the registered support member clean up the athletes belongings, including their bike and remove it from T2 IMMEDIATELY.

  • If you have someone accompany the athlete on the run course, it can be someone other than the registered support member.

  • We will have water for the athletes at T2, mile 3.5, mile 7 and mile 20.

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